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Role of organizations in Employee Wellness (Physical and mental)

  • Author: Lakshmi Arora

In today’s world where we are living, wellness is something that everyone needs to prioritize.

It is a common saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup ‘’. This statement fits in well with the work environment as well
We spend on an average 8-10 hours of a day working for the organization. The environment created and the support received in return plays a vital role in contributing towards the wellness of its employees.

Expect the worst

  • Expect and accept the fact that the worst could happen in a hiring cycle.
  • Expecting beforehand keeps one better prepared for a rainy day.
  • By having this mindset, recruiters can have a discerning eye to scan for signs from the start.
  • Recruiters need to build stronger rapport with candidates. This means going a few layers below the resume, and understanding the candidate’s personality, life priorities, and the like.
  • This exercise when done diligently gives a peak into what the candidate’s needs are.
  • The same can be considered in the offer letter if possible, to the extent, the company policies are laid out. Every effort to hire and retain the candidate must be made.
  • A mindset shift is required during recruitment. Rather than looking at an offer extension as a favour to prospective candidates, it must be viewed as ‘employers need the right employees.

Scenario One:

Employee needed to complete some urgent work but at the same time had some personal emergency. He spoke to his supervisor. In this case, empathy is provided to the employee, he is offered help if required and his work is transferred to another employee for the time being.

Employee addresses his situation efficiently as he is less stressed on the professional front. He is grateful to work for such an organization and is motivated to contribute towards the growth of the company.

Scenario Two:

The same scenario of the employee where he had personal emergency and, on the other hand, had some deadlines to meet. In this case, his supervisor does not bother to understand his situation, forces him to complete the work anyhow and not make any excuses. Apparently, the employee is neither able to deal with his personal situation efficiently nor is he able to be productive at work due to stress. The lack of support creates a negative space in his heart towards the company and he is demotivated in further contributing towards company’s growth. For instance, when students have too much work, essay writing services are there to assist them with their essays. They don’t judge and provide support to keep them doing well in school.

Organization’s actions, thoughts and behavior towards every individual in a work situation have a massive impact. We could either support the wellbeing of our employees or create a supportive environment for their and the company’s growth or continue to work in a loop towards self-harm in the long term.

Referring to the Maslow’s Need Hierarchy theory we can understand how the basic physiological are a priority to human beings and then comes the intangible needs at the top.

Ways an organization can contribute towards the wellness of employees:

  • Promoting a healthy and fair working culture
  • Providing facilities such as access to fitness centers or free counselling sessions.
  • Conducting training or workshops to impart knowledge on various topics such as good nutrition, importance of physical fitness, importance of mental health, practicing mindfulness
  • Promotion of work- life balance
  • Providing health insurance providing security to individuals and their family
  • Timely surveys could provide proper insight and feedback for ways to assist employees
  • Provide flexibility in terms of working method and working model
  • Re- evaluate policies focusing on inclusivity
  • Recognize and reward the efforts by employees

How would good health of employees benefit the organization?

Author: Lakshmi Arora